
If you had to choose...
13 November 2021 #1
Only new books! Would you save your own dog or somebody elses kid from burning house, if you only can save one? I'm terrible I know
17 February 2022 #4

Always live with your family ofc! The dream of a family farm would then probably have come true. c; Would you rather always be tired but can not sleep or always feel but can not relax?

11 February 2022 #3

Mute to be honest, don't talk that much anyways Would you rather move to another country alone or always live with your family (akka mom, dad, siblings)?

28 November 2021 #2

Ugh.. But blood haha! - lets do something nicer now haha! Q: would you rather be able fly or be invisble?

13 November 2021 #1

Only new books! Would you save your own dog or somebody elses kid from burning house, if you only can save one? I'm terrible I know